How-To Printables.Com Software Tech

Printables.Com Download to PrusaSlicer Integration Instructions

Today Prusa made their latest alpha release of PrusaSlicer available on github: 2.6.0-alpha2. (Make sure you understand what alpha testing is before downloading/using this software. An alpha or release of a software package intends to do something particular, and mostly does so, yet isn’t guaranteed to do so fully. You are testing out an early version of this software, if you find a bug, report it.)

There are many game-changing features in this release, but in particular, this post provides step-by-step instructions on how to get the “auto downloading from directly into PrusaSlicer software”.

  • Enable “Show PrusaSlicer button” in your profile while logged into
    Click the avatar icon (upper right corner), then chose the first line item (your user name), then scroll down next to the bold title “Info“, and click on “Edit your profile link”. When the modal window appears, scroll down to the checkboxes section and enable the checkbox for “Show PrusaSlicer button”, then click “Save” at the top of the window.
  • Enable download option in PrusaSlicer software.
    In the menu, select Configuration -> Preferences (or Ctrl-P), then select the Other tab. Click the checkbox to “Allow downloads from”, then choose “OK”.

These changes should make it so you see the the PrusaSlicer icon next to the download button while viewing a model’s “Files” list.

Select the PrusaSlicer icon next to the file you want to test, confirm (twice) that you want to allow the download integration, and everything should be working.

I’ve tested this on a Windows 10 PC using Chrome, Firefox, and Edge successfully with PrusaSlicer 2.6.0-alpha2.

Feel free to try out the integration on some of my models on

Printables.Com statistics

This post is to consolidate my separate posts about various categories of statistics gathered from the 3-D printing database website.

Hopefully this will help you find excellent resources, models, and connections on
Please comment if you have any suggestions or corrections.


Top Users on

Prusa doesn’t make it easily to see who are the top leveled-up users on, but with a little detective work, here’s the current top users, as of October 2022.

  • S H (lvl 33)(!)
    34k+ downloads, 6k+ likes, 155 followers, 17 following
  • Extrutim (lvl 31)
    92k+ downloads, 26k+ likes, 1560 followers, 97 following
  • Cisco (lvl 27)
    44k+ downloads, 17k+ likes, 883 followers, 89 following
  • (lvl 27)
    1000+ downloads, 331 likes, 36 followers, 113 following
  • Mikolas Zuza (lvl 26)
    Prusa Research Staff, Host Prusa Live
    108k+ downloads, 21k+ likes, 1871 followers, 104 following
  • Bugman_140 (lvl 24)
    51k+ downloads, 13k+ likes, 1,000 followers, 2 following
  • HD_Creator (lvl 24)
    47k+ downloads, 8k+ likes, 344 followers, 10 following
  • Area51 (lvl 23)
    22k+ downloads, 3k+ likes, 123 followers, 23 following
  • Matt Boyer (lvl 23)
    25k+ downloads, 8k+ likes, 249 followers, 52 following
  • Ondřej Stříteský (lvl 22)
    Prusa Research Staff
    87k+ downloads, 10k+ likes, 790 followers, 79 following

Levels, accomplishments, statistics are changing constantly, so follow the links to each users’ profile to see their current accomplishments.

See all the other statistics pages on this blog.


Most Popular Designers on

As of February 2023, these are the “Stars of Design”, or most popular designers (most models downloaded by other users) on

9 – (Black Hole?) (1,000,000(?) models downloaded) 0 users (0%)
8 – Pulsar (250,000 models downloaded) 2 users (<0.1%)

  • Prusa Research (beyond levels…) December 15, 2021
    (Currently, 790,000 downloads)
  • MZ4250 (lvl 20) December 4, 2022
    (Currently, 316,700 downloads)

7 – Supergiant (100,000 models downloaded) 3 users (0%)
6 – Blue Giant (25,000 models downloaded) 72 users (<0.1%)
5 – Red Giant (5,000 models downloaded) 438 users (0.2%)
4 – White Dwarf (1,000 models downloaded) 2,459 users (1%)
3 – Red Dwarf (250 models downloaded) 7,153 users (3%)
2 – Star (50 models downloaded) 15,368 users (6.5%)
1 – Nebula (10 models downloaded) 16,384 users (6.9%)

By inference ~82.3% of users haven’t had at least 10 models downloaded yet.

(Level values are a snapshot, these values change constantly over time. Follow the profile links if you want to know their current accomplishments.)

See all the other statistics pages on this blog.


Who are the Prusa Approved Designers?

The title of “Prusa Approved Designer” was awarded at by the Printables Team at its discretion to recognize and reward long-term, consistent, and high-quality work.  As of September 2022, there were 15 “Prusa Approved Designers” on I’ve compiled them here for easy reference and one-page access in case you’d like to explore their profiles. Consider checking out, following, and supporting these successful and hard working designers if they interest you.
(It appears got rid of this award, so I’m archiving this here for posterity.)

(in chronological order)

(All values are a snapshot only. Follow the profile links if you want to know a user’s current accomplishments.)

See all the other statistics pages on this blog.


Prusa Staff on

This is just a quick post indexing the identified Prusa Staff members on as of February 2023:

(Yes, there are currently only ~13 identified.)

Honorable Mention:

(Level values are a snapshot, these values change constantly over time. Follow the profile links if you want to know their current accomplishments.)


Top Model Publishers on

As of February 2023, these are the most prolific model designers on

9 – Grand Master (1000 models published) 1 user (<0.1%)

8 – Master (500 models published) 2 users (<0.1%)

7 – Expert (200 models) 38 users (<0.1%)
6 – Professional (100 models) 134 users (<0.1%)
5 – Seasoned (50 models) 486 users (0.2%)
4 – Advanced (25 models) 1,604 users (0.7%)
3 – Proficient (10 models) 6,768 users (2.8%)
2 – Beginner (5 models) 8,574 users (3.6%)
1 – Newcomer (1 model) 37,124 users (15.6%)

By inference ~77% of users haven’t published at least 1 model yet.

(Level values are a snapshot, these values change constantly over time. Follow the profile links if you want to know their current accomplishments.)

See all the other statistics pages on this blog.


Top Downloaders on

As of February 2023, on, these are the top “Download Maniacs”:

8 – Platinum (10k downloads) (<0.1%)

7 – Gold (5k downloads) 8 users (<0.1%)
6 – Silver (1k downloads) 111 users (<0.1%)
5 – Bronze (300 downloads) 1,060 users (0.4%)
4 – Copper (150 downloads) 4,139 users (1.7%)
3 – Brass (50 downloads) 27,633 users (11.6%)
2 – Tin (20 downloads) 57,654 users (24.2%)
1 – Iron (5 downloads) 129,993 users (54.7%)

By inference ~7.3% of users haven’t downloaded 5 models yet.

(Level values are a snapshot, these values change constantly over time. Follow the profile links if you want to know their current accomplishments.)

See all the other statistics pages on this blog.


Top Makers on

As of February 2023, on, these are the top “Makers” (those who have uploaded a certain number of printed models (“makes”) to the site):

8 – Jo Prusa – 250 makes uploaded (<0.1%)

7 – Legendary – 100 makes uploaded (322 users, <0.1%)
6 – Professional – 50 makes uploaded (982 users, 0.4%)
5 – Expert – 25 makes uploaded (2,630 users, 1.1%)
4 – Skilled – 10 makes uploaded (5,860 users, 2.5%)
3 – Explorer – 5 makes uploaded (5,909 users, 2.5%)
2 – Beginner – 3 makes uploaded (5,370 users, 2.3%)
1 – Novice – 1 makes uploaded (37,111 users, 15.6%)

By inference, ~75.8% of users haven’t uploaded any makes.

(Level values are a snapshot, these values change constantly over time. Follow the profile links if you want to know their current accomplishments.)

See all the other statistics pages on this blog.

How-To Printables.Com Website

How to Post a Model on

Post a Model

Login to Printables with your username and password.
In the upper-right hand side of the screen, click the “+ Create” button (highlighted in yellow, below).

Select “Model” (in yellow, below) to upload a design that you have made or modified.

The minimum information that you will need to provide:

  • A 3-D model file of your design (.stl, .3mf, .step, sl1s, .stp, .amf, .obj)
  • A picture of your model (.jpg, .gif, .png). This should preferably be a photo of the model printed out if possible, but a screenshot of a preview or render also seems to be acceptable.
  • A name for your model
  • A short summary of your model
  • A category your model should be listed in (selected from a provided list
  • Which license you wish to publish your model under

Enter and upload the required information and you are ready to publish your model for all to see.

If you aren’t ready to publish yet, leave the slider on ‘Draft’ and press the “SAVE DRAFT” button to save your draft for later use. When you are ready to publish your design publicly, click the Draft/Publish slider over to ‘Publish’ and then press the “PUBLISH NOW”.

Keep in mind that publishing is not a final, permanent decision. You can continue to edit your model and all fields about your model. If you decide there was a mistake or you want to retract your publish, simply slide the slider back to ‘Draft’ and press the “SAVE DRAFT” button to make it private again.

Additional fields

Above we addressed the minimal, required fields to publish your design to There are a number of other optional fields you should consider completing to help the site and other users find your model more easily, categorize your model, or use your model more effectively. These include:

  • Additional Tags
  • linking Remix files (reference the original files)
  • a detailed Description
  • any other supporting files (.txt, .pdf (instructions))
  • Print files (.gcode, .sl1)

You can also re-arrange your photographs that you uploaded and choose which one will be used as a cover photo (‘set as cover’) for your object in the 3-D Models index on